We are all gathered with happiness today because our Archbishop has accepted to celebrate Mass here with Fr Chauncy, Fr Greg and Fr __________. He will also share our lunch with us afterwards.
This is a great day for many of us who have accepted a lot of hurtful misunderstandings and malicious behaviour from many quarters. Our Archbishop is praying and celebrating with us who are trying to unite in the one heart of Jesus, the Lord, present in the Eucharist in this place which his Blessed Mother is making so special. Fr ________ leads us in the Rosary and the Blessed Mother comes while we recite the Rosary.
This is what she says on this day:
I wish to tell you that too many of you are allowing yourselves to be distracted by those who prophesy the end of the world. You should remember that false prophets abound at all times and they predict future events through magic or personal desires or even motivated to serve in an apostolate intended to benefit the Church.
Beware children of all these distractions for they do not come from God the Father, the Almighty.
I repeat again to you, and do not forget it, that God will not send the end of the world. He has decreed the end of the time of evil, the end of the suffering of mankind at the coming of the Lord Jesus, the Saviour. But as to the moment of the coming of the Lord Jesus, only God knows that time. I do not know when.
It is true that it will be painful for those who follow our enemy and therefore the Lord calls on each of you to stand on the truth and extend it to your brothers with fearless clarity and loving conviction, so that they may be saved. However do not use lies and all kinds of falsehood in order to convince your brothers to seek their salvation. Salvation is not easily achieved and even less so for those who seek it while motivated by fear or falsehood propagated by those who prophesy not at the request of God, the Father, the Almighty.
And at this point I will answer those persons in authority in the Church who are unable to believe that Jesus is God and One with God and the Holy Spirit of God. It is not easy to perceive the truth when you allow yourself to indulge your flesh and your intellect with matters of the times you live in. The clarity of wisdom belongs to those who seek constantly to unite in the One Heart of the Lord, Jesus.
Faith flowers in wisdom and compassion and those who seek this state of grace pray for the coming of the Lord, constantly and with great hope that it may be soon. Thus you should pray, children and ask the Lord to assist you until His coming.
When you ask for divine intervention, ask with a clean heart. Do not ask for signs, when you have already received too many. Know that the hand of the Father is in all of mankind’s enterprises. But do not delude yourselves that the task of obtaining salvation is an easy matter. Salvation is yours, if you truly seek it, without reservation and in great hope that it will be granted.
She smiles and leaves.