These are the words of the Blessed Virgin on this day:
Do not forget to pray for the children of God who gather here with you, these who have left the life you experience. They precede you in faith and await the will of the Father to accept them into the Kingdom. Your prayers are needed that they may be able to clothe themselves with the eternal truth which establishes understanding of all that is temporal and destined to dissolve in time and that which is to live forever. Learn from them that the human soul is one and the same in the limits of time as in eternity. Because they can no longer offer to God, the Father the Almighty acts which reflect the teachings and the love of Jesus, the Christ to the benefit of the human family, you are bound by the same love to fill your lives with actions and prayer which bear witness to the eternal glory of the Father. These prayers will bring on them the compassion of God, the Father the Almighty who will elevate them to his Kingdom. Because they cannot say “make me free oh my Father,” you must implore the Father to free them from the imperfections of human existence.
As you pray for the souls who have died to the life you know, meditate on the meaning of death. Search for the truth in this human act of transition. Learn that death is just a passage into a state where there is no testing of values because goodness and evil cannot coexist with the soul outside of time. Death brings the soul to a state where divine justice can unite virtue and perfect happiness. As you pray for the Holy Souls you participate in that happiness and give witness to the eternal existence of the human soul. Your prayers are the link between your present state and the eternal, your witness to the belief that the hand of God, the Father the Almighty is ever present in the destiny of man.
Pray for the Holy Souls because as you pray for them they help you to understand the value inherent in the act of dying. You learn not to fear death as you pray for the Holy Souls. The person who fears death and the physical suffering which may accompany death does not recognize that death is a necessary act which leads to eternity.
There are those amongst you who look on death as an escape from suffering. They do not understand that to achieve the benefit from death mankind must transcend the fear because fear is the legacy of evil. Fear of death brings many amongst you to desire a death which excludes the hand of God from their destiny. These persons think of death as a punishment to be avoided through euthanasia and medicaments which will rob them of the act of consent to the will of God, the Father, the Almighty. Consent to the Father's will is essential to the salvation of the soul.
When you pray for the Holy Souls you prepare yourselves to the act of dying and refuse to prepare yourselves to being dead. To understand the act of dying is accepting the hope of salvation.
When a person has hope in salvation he approaches death with humility recognizing the shortcomings committed and, realizing that the unconditional love of the Father for his children and His desire that all may obtain perfect happiness in the Kingdom, is for each and all, then that person will ask pardon and forgiveness and accept death as a transition to perfect happiness. Pray for the Holy Souls and learn the value of death!
She smiles and leaves.