These are the words of the Blessed Mother on this day:
Some of you have been asking regarding the lack of teaching in the work of the Church. I can ask you to require clarity and truth from your bishops. They know that some decades ago they decided to replace the teachings given to the faithful up to that time, to include the teachings of the history of other religions. The priests followed only the commands and assumed reckless input from their own understanding.
This was the beginning of the crisis which today afflicts not only the Church, but all of the human societies. Not that all was well in the teachings before, but this last decision does not present the children of God with the fact that the Church is responsible simply to encourage the children of God to know Christ, the Saviour. I pray, children that you may be moved to regard with great care the Word of God. Do not forsake the observance of the commands of God and do not forsake any of the teachings of the Christ, Jesus, my son.
As to the teachers this is what the Father says, “My son, my son, why do you seek the excuse to say, ‘I am but a man, I understand that the truth is an entirety which is interpreted diversely by each individual. Who am I to judge which one of these speaks God’s truth?’ My son, this is how you lead the wolf among the lambs! Jesus spoke in truth and all who hear Him understand Him. My son, my son, there is but one truth! Each son of God has the God-given right to hear the truth as Jesus spoke it and as the prophets gave it to mankind.
God the Father, the Almighty sees you and sees you best when you attempt to hide your mind and your deeds as when you say, ‘Who am I that I may assume to pontificate as to which of my brothers is right and who is not.’ My son, My son, you have the God-given power and right to proclaim the truth. No one can, better than you. This is the right of the Church, to teach the Word, and more, to keep Jesus alive in your lives.
Son, can you provide what you promise with your demeanour by the use of the findings of social science, that which the children long for? Can you see that what you give is no more than a story on the stage of the theatre and call it the stage of life! The result is confusion! The result is untruth! Son, you can take action if you have courage. If you hesitate, more grief is visited on your brothers and sisters, for confusion is the playground of the devil!”
She smiles and says: This is why I come, children, this is why God, the Father, the Almighty sends me!
She leaves.