This is the message of the Blessed Virgin on this day:
The Lord Jesus, my son, reminds all who dissent from the unity of the Church to herself, that it is invalid to say, "I am the Church," when only words are uttered while sentiments are elsewhere. Many are participating in promoting and furthering disunion by proposing that changes must occur if the Church is to be cleansed of despicable individual and human behaviour. With plausible reasoning, they propose the Church must walk the pilgrim mile accepting its own transformation through the times. Thus they break their own communion with the saints in the Church.
It is also said, with dubious kindness, that they are motivated by good intentions, but they forget that good intentions cannot correct falsehood such as that which declares, “I am the Church, but independent of the Church.” He who so proposes, promotes the many schisms which exist within the Church. And very soon it will be said that the schisms represent the true Church and that the Church as you know it, is schismatic and to be rejected.
All this is happening because of the disunity of those in authority between themselves and with the Pope. Can you list all the forms of disunity which have been promoted within in the Church? The Bishops can! All these forms of disunity which represent the personal intentions of Bishops and others in authority, have produced a great diversity of dubious or even plausible principles which are nevertheless far removed from that which is the truth which my son, Jesus the Lord, brought to the world. The children of God are now confronting several forms of Christian beliefs and practice. And it is the Bishops who will answer for this confusion. It is not valid, nor is their explanation acceptable that this was done in order that all religions could find it easier to become members of the Church since the Church Herself, now presented a pluralistic and multicultural gathering of faith.
Therefore, if you wish that it be accepted by the Lord when it is said, "I am the Church," it must be ensured that all truth is upheld in the Church and that the light guiding it is the Lord Jesus, the Christ, the Saviour. It is also good to remember however, that the Church on Earth, like humanity, while existing in time, has never been a model of perfect sanctity. It has always been a mixture of good and evil, from of old.
It is therefore very necessary that you be reminded to distinguish clearly between the sanctity of the members of the Church and the sanctity of the Church because while the Church is holy in eternity, as I am Holy, the members gathering in the Church do so to become holy.
Pray, therefore, all those of goodwill, that your priests and your bishops be able to always uphold that which is true courageously and denounce fiercely that which is false. A disunited Church cannot gather all souls within itself. But be consoled and know that the unity which is so lacking now in the Church, shall be restored in the Lord, Jesus my son, who alone can give you unity and salvation.