These are the words of the Blessed Mother on this day:
Children of God the Father, the Almighty, I remind you regarding the wisdom of the saints who found all virtues in the name of Jesus, my son.
The Holy Name of Jesus presents to all the faithful an image of majesty and peace. In times of tribulations and suffering, remember to speak the name of Jesus for He alone can soothe the sufferings.
He is the image of God amongst you. He is the One, the first for whom all there is was created and in whom all there is exists. He alone is one with God the Father, the Almighty since He alone shares in the substance of God the Father, the Almighty. He alone has dominion over all that is created.
The majesty of Jesus is the divine right of the Saviour.
Therefore do not allow yourselves to forget that Jesus saves. He saves in time of peace and He saves in time of disaster and war.
When mankind forgets to observe the laws of God the Father, the Almighty which laws Jesus alone has the right to administer in justice, then the hope is lost that mankind will be able to promote peace on Earth and harmony amongst all the nations.
Several amongst you are those who are concerned with their own personal rights and often infringe on that over which Jesus alone has sovereignty. They degrade themselves and discard the God-given dignity with which God the Father, the Almighty has endowed humanity.
Remember therefore that all aspects of human life, family life, the economy, the social and political behaviour must proceed from the teachings of Jesus.
Pray that the governors of all the nations adopt and exalt the virtue and the wisdom of Jesus. Otherwise, disasters befall humanity and when they do, the power of Jesus alone can reinstate order and dignity.
Again I say, call on the Holy Name of Jesus at any time and you will experience the saving power of His sacred name.
Submit to Him and call on Him thus: “Come Jesus, come and save us for we are not able to!”
She smiles and leaves.