These are the words of the Blessed Mother on this day:
Many amongst you, including some of those in authority have succumbed to a desire to adjust the moral aims of the followers of the Christ to the norms of the practices of human society. In so doing they affirm the primacy of man, forgetting that the teachings of the Christ are the Word of God. The Word is proclaimed as the truth which may be narrated in various ways, but never outside the same meaning given it by the Christ.
Remember rather the words of Jesus, the Saviour, who invited all to proclaim everywhere that salvation was there for all those who believed that He was sent by the Father. He made all who believed to be one with Him as He is one with the Father.
In this time, more than ever, the Church of the Christ should note that a power is at work on Earth which seeks to reduce the truth to the powerful enticement of opportunism. The schemes with which our enemy is seeking to entice mankind, are planned to deny you understanding of the effect of the imbalance between the material and the spiritual growth of mankind. Few are those who can resist the enticement to pursue advancements in sciences and fewer again are those who seek to contain such advancements within the morality proclaimed by the law of God, the Father, the Almighty.
Essential for the salvation of many is the need to denounce those values which cannot produce unity amongst the many. Personal pleasures, individual and personal development, various personal freedoms, the development of an economy which inflicts principally on the poor are examples of pursuits which are essentially divisive.
Therefore it is gravely important that humanity be taught to acknowledge the limitation of human nature. All of creation, mankind included, was created by the Creator and for the Creator. The value of mankind is not in mankind, but external to mankind. The human mind cannot conceive the total value of creation. It can conceive, separately one value at a time. It happens therefore that often the value conceived by the human mind seeks to subject all values to that one conceived.
The challenge which humanity continually is throwing up to God, the Father, the Almighty has only produced divisions and dissent. When human science presents a discovery and seeks to incorporate it into humanity, the same science is never able to predict all the consequences of such act on humanity.
Take care therefore that the children of God be not misled into believing that a radical change can be developed into mankind which can dissociate man from the supernatural power of the Creator.
The pursuits of human reason, separated from the moral values decreed by God, the Father, the Almighty can reduce those who believe that the Christ was sent by the Father, into small societies where the truth will be maintained at great cost even though the growth of the Church may extend politically and economically for a time. What is essentially human can last only in time. Remember that salvation is of Christ.
Arise, children of God and regain your integrity. Do not disperse your efforts in searches which have no value.
She smiles and leaves.