These are the words of the Blessed Mother on this day:
Children of God the Almighty, many amongst you ask for God’s justice. Know that God’s justice comes in His time. Know as well that God’s justice is never dealt for vengeance. The justice which you endure is devised by men who use and at times abuse their authority.
Therefore, children of God the Father, the Almighty, when you suffer an injustice, know such is not the judgment of God on you. It is your brothers’ judgment which is fallible.
Those in authority over yourselves are often unable to discern apart from their own personal ambitions, greed or personal gain, dislike of a person over whom they stand in judgment, or from a faulty conscience. God the Father, the Almighty is not fallible and His justice is perfect as are His laws. I pray that all the laws made by men may be in accord with the law of God the Father, the Almighty and I ask that you pray as well towards this end.
Prayer can, at times, obtain relief when you suffer under a painful judgment, for God hears your prayers. As well, prayer does correct your own faulty personal judgment.
Therefore, children of God the Father, the Almighty, examine in prayer if the judgment you have dealt towards any or more of your brothers and sisters, was given for a good reason and with wisdom. Ask yourselves whether you are in a state of grace when judging another. Are you delivering judgment for offences which are your own weakness as well and are you delivering a judgment which is not in accord with the law of God the Father, the Almighty.
You are called to deliver judgment in the family, over friends and enemies in the courts of man-made laws, in institutions and governments and in the Church of my son. Be aware that in expressing judgment you may cause bad consequences, harm persons, cause loss of trust and faith, condemn to death the innocent and destroy nations.
Children of God the Father, the Almighty, cooperate with the Saviour by always protecting your intellect from the malicious whispers of those who manipulate you towards their own design and at all times try to conform to the law of God. If you do so, much evil can be averted.
She smiles and leaves.