These are the words of the Blessed Mother on this day:
Too many amongst you say that each generation of mankind may have a different understanding of God, the Father, the Almighty and of his law, which has defined a particular morality for mankind while mankind lives in exile from the Kingdom. So they say because they seek a reason to justify changes in the social morality of the new generation. They progress to believe that, because the Father wills that all may re-enter his Kingdom, a new morality must be prescribed for all nations to adhere to. But, in order that all may adhere, the new morality must be acceptable to all. In human understanding this allows mankind to justify those changes which signify a departure from God's laws and which produce the pit into which many fall. This new morality does not recognize that there is only one time, created by God, the Father, the Almighty to give all generations of mankind a home in their exile. God alone knows how long time will last!
In the same way God alone is the judge for the actions of each person. He has given each one the opportunity to live by his laws or to reject them. God alone knows the period of the time given to each person. A person therefore cannot say that to offend against the law of God today due to particular circumstances can be justified tomorrow by repentance. Fear to be called by God before the tomorrow is a just warning! Is it not true that when a person causes grave hurt to one or more brothers and sisters and is found out, the person is judged by that act alone despite having lived up to that point without committing grave sin? Therefore you must know that salvation is the great gift offered to each person and that it can be taken up by each one person of their free will.
The Church has the duty to teach all of mankind in every nation the laws of God, without compromise or equivocation, correcting any teaching, which may lead to confusion. Knowing that confusion benefits only evil, it is the obligation of the priests that all confusion be not allowed to enter the teachings. It should not be forgotten that at times the teachings of the laws of God, the Father, the Almighty have suffered due to the evil exerted by various powers such as the opportunistic designs of governments, including similar occasions within the government of the Church. It is good that the teachings be free of these situations and unite instead into the superior power of God, the Father, the Almighty.
She smiles and leaves.