These are the words of the Blessed Mother on this day:
Children of God the Father, the Almighty, you who pray and seek to live in peace in a society where justice prevails at all times, in a nation regulated by a government which never fails any of its members, know that God, the Father, the Almighty has given you in times long past, the laws by which such a state could come to be.
There has not come to be as yet, that a Government exists anywhere on the whole of the Earth, where the laws of God direct and maintain the governance of the citizens of the nation.
Therefore, children of God, the Father, the Almighty know that God does not bestow legality on any system of governance which departs from the laws established by Him. Therefore the governance of the nations is no other than the principalities of the Earth, born of the minds of men.
Children of God, my son Jesus the Saviour was born into mankind to remind you that the laws of God cannot be broken if you seek peace.
My Son Jesus was born into mankind to remind you that the laws of God cannot be ignored if you seek justice.
My son Jesus was born into mankind to remind you that the laws of God must be upheld at all times if you seek the happiness of the kingdom of God the Father, the Almighty.
Therefore children beloved by God, the Father, the Almighty do not concern yourselves about supporting one system or another. Rather, concern yourselves with upholding God’s law at every stage of your life on Earth. Insist that God’s law is the only path to follow for those who seek salvation. Teach your children the value of God’s laws. Do not hesitate to promote the laws of God, the Father, the Almighty amongst pagans who have not heard of them.
Do not blame one nation or another when you hear of cruelties and persecutions, rather blame the evil which prevents God’s laws from being made known to all.
She smiles and leaves.