These are the words of the Blessed Mother on this day:
Children of God the Father, the Almighty, know that the Creator needs nothing since whatever He may receive has come out of Himself. Amongst you there are those who behave well and say that they do it to make God happy. I say again that God needs no one to make Him happy. But His children need Him. Every one of His creatures needs Him, every part of creation needs him. I say this because you must learn to think correctly on God the Father, the Almighty.
Children of God the Father, the Almighty, when you think correctly on God, the human mind is assisted to believe that God the Father, the Almighty is, has been and will be by the virtue of faith.
Every human being is born with the need of God within the soul, yet no human being can boast to have complete knowledge of God.
Because God knows His children in every way, He knows all the weaknesses and failings and limits of the nature He has given to each member of the human family. He knows that the human mind needs assistance to overcome the limitations He has imposed on it, if His children are to enter His kingdom.
Do not forget therefore to maintain faith that you may increase the belief and trust in God the Father, the Almighty. Honour God by thinking correctly on Him, otherwise you may destroy your soul.
God knows the difficulties you, His children, must overcome to maintain the trust in Him. Because He has compassion for each one of you, He came to live amongst us as Christ. He did not come to preach His holy might and power but, rather to show what perfect humanity is, that we may learn to imitate Him in His human perfection. Know that to look on His face is death.
Children of God the Father, the Almighty, elevate yourself from present time perverted belief which attribute to God human weaknesses and limitations. God has been restricted to a distance while erroneous beliefs are adopted and propagated saying that any person may commune with the Almighty, once He is divested of His holy majesty. Those who believe thus condemn themselves to oblivion and mortality.
Do maintain the faith in the knowledge that God alone is self-sufficient and needs no assistance in His holy works throughout the universe. This truth highlights the arrogance in the expression of human self-confidence and yet encourages you to follow in the footsteps of Jesus, the Christ who reminds you that immortality awaits you in the Kingdom of God.
She smiles and leaves.