These are the words of the Blessed Mother on this day:
Children of God a great lament can be heard from mankind. It speaks of lack of unity for the recognition of those values which are necessary for the Church, that it may gather the children of God into the uniting power of salvation, through her teachings.
Yes, beloved children of God, the Father, the Almighty you have reason to regret the lack of unity as you confront each other, often in deep anger and also with malice and violence, to assert and proclaim the virtue of one value over other values. While you persist in ignoring that all values are one only in God, the Father, the Almighty you can produce only systems which reflect the lack of balance between the material and the spiritual values which you have adopted.
When some amongst you proclaim that freedom is the unifying value for mankind, can they truly obtain that freedom which allows each person to regain the integrity of the God-given human nature? Unwise is indeed the leader who proclaims freedom to be a virtue without recognising that such value is interrelated to all other values uniting in God, the Father, the Almighty.
Learn, children of God, the Father, the Almighty that it is impossible for any one of you to produce a perfect system which does not include all of God-given virtues in unity. This unity lives only in God, the Father, the Almighty. This unity is the perfecting power of the Creator.
Your leaders promise riches, the development of the person, that each may be useful to them and the system they promote. They say they are working to create a better state for you and the national interests. They promise pleasures, that you may partake in that which was previously denied. They promise freedom and much more. They fail now as they have throughout all times. They fail because they refuse to recognise that the values which they promise cannot produce well-being unless they become integrated and perfect in the unity of the Creator.
The failure of the leaders to seek to promote a human society living in unity with God, the Father, is causing imbalance and violence which will continue to visit persons and nations for some time to come.
Children of God, pray that you may be granted wisdom sufficient to promote peace amongst all of you. Pray and remember that the love of God is perfect and unconditional love.
She smiles and leaves.