These are the words of the Blessed Virgin on this day:
I repeat that your home is the Church, founded by Jesus, the Lord who gave the Apostles its governance based on the teachings of the Lord. And He gave them power to confirm His promises and reject all which did not comply with the Word. This sacred duty cannot be diminished by the human desires to advance individual understandings. Human understandings are just human. The Word is the only way to secure the promised immortality for mankind.
It is said that throughout the ages the Church has continued, unchanged. Yet it is also said that the Church rejoices in its efforts to convince that it is new, having departed from traditions and entered a new culture, having adopted new structures, new procedures, new dialogues. In the Kingdom of God, the Father, the Almighty there is accord because all souls are filled with the truth and therefore unable to proceed in contradiction.
As you know, children of God, this perfect understanding of the truth is available to all of you. This perfect understanding is deposited in the Word. The truth does not contradict itself. Therefore know that should you ever confirm on Earth that which is contradiction, such cannot be sealed in the Kingdom to your advantage. Do not seek to add to that which is perfection. Rather nourish your intellect with the beautiful and glorious simplicity of the truth. Because your mind cannot hold the knowledge and the wisdom of the Father’s truth, seek to keep to the understanding of the Word which has been given to you in the form appropriate to the state of your creation.
Therefore when you think of me, think of me as the most humble of all the servants of the Lord. I am the human person whom God chose to bring you the Saviour. I am the Mother of the Revelation. In me the Word was delivered that you may understand the truth. Do not ascribe to me other than my obedience to God’s plan for the salvation of humanity. I am the Mother of the Revelation. I bore the Light of the Truth into humanity, but the Light is in the Truth. The Truth is in the Word. It does not benefit you to propose contradictions concerning my state. But know that I rejoice in the presence of God, the Father, the Almighty and that I reside in the presence of His Most Holy Trinity.
She smiles and leaves.