We gather again on the first Saturday as the Blessed Virgin asks us to pray for the Holy Souls. We exchange thoughts on the messages of the Blessed Mother and we share and we learn from each other.
During this sharing, Allan reveals that he has been given a date for the coming of the Lord. We are stunned. I feel uneasy, so I kneel and ask for help. When the Blessed Mother is with us, she speaks:
Allan has been given a privilege which is to serve his brothers in their physical needs. As always, a privilege given to a person provokes evil against the privileged. Allan must guard with great care. He can be guided by the certainty that God, the Father does not reveal the day nor the hour of the judgment.
Prophecy which is given by God, is not based on time, for time is an element of the present human state. Therefore, a prophecy revealing a precise time is a false prophecy and comes from the evil which is envious of the privilege enjoyed by the person.
I tell you to remember that a privilege such as you enjoy is not to be valued in human terms as gain. It is a part of what you describe as true religion, that is religion as revealed by God, the Father, the Almighty. Treat this privilege as obedience to the will of the Father and translate it into willingness to serve.
Serve each other. Serve God, your Creator, in humility and obedience.
The hand of God is ever-present in the events of humanity and working towards the salvation of mankind. This is the will of God, your Father and your Creator. Therefore, adore only God the Father, the Almighty, your Creator and Saviour and do not seek to interpret His will according to human intellect.
Do not seek to know what which is the will of God, but rather put your trust in Him for it has been revealed that He wills the salvation of all and each one of you.
There exists a difference among persons in degree towards perfection, however such does not create a difference in the various parts of that which is the essence. God knows mankind but Mankind cannot know God now.
God prepares Mankind constantly towards the final destiny, which is as God wills it. Man in any way cannot re-dimension the destiny of mankind according to his understanding or his convenience.
Remember that God has revealed that which is good for you to know. What has been revealed by God must be your belief. What is different from that which God has revealed, is false.
Remember that in your confinement, the propagation of the Word of God is progressing while at the same time evil is propagating confusion. He uses the original sin to cloud the minds of mankind. He also uses his legions to incite mankind to adore the human self.
Give glory and honour to God Almighty and only to Him and put all your trust in that which He has chosen to reveal to you.
God blesses you all.
She leaves.