These are the words of the Blessed Mother on this day:
Children of God the Father, the Almighty, many amongst you have forgotten that from the prophets of old to the present, the Word of God proclaims that God has assigned His salvation to all and each member of the human family. Therefore the mission of the Lord shall not be accomplished until all persons become enlightened by the truth. The truth lives amongst mankind and is contained in the prayer taught by Jesus to humanity: OUR FATHER is not my Father, GIVE US TODAY is not give me today.
It is wrong therefore for the shepherds to ignore the role given to them by my son which is that the shepherds must continue the mission of the Son of God in precisely the way shown by Him.
Once the shepherds of God neglect to be concerned with the salvation of all persons and content themselves to care for the few by using their own discretion in assigning salvation to some and ignoring the rest, they failed the mission of the Christ.
What does a lazy worker say of his task to be accomplished? He says that he will accomplish what he can and omit to set his gaze on the accomplished task. How shall he justify his reasoning to his master? Will he say to his master that the task is impossible to accomplish? I assure you that the master shall not heed the worker’s justifications, rather he will send the worker away and hire another who will not set limits to the task assigned to him, believing that the work assigned to him is within the limits of his ability to accomplish. He shows faith alive within himself.
I say that the shepherds have forgotten as well as the sheep. It is required that such forgetfulness be overcome and faith be introduced again amongst all the children of God the Father, the Almighty. This is obtained when only the truth is spoken in the entire teachings contained in the Word as spoken by Jesus the Lord.
Let the shepherds lead all the human family to a clear understanding of the Word and the mission assigned to them by the Lord until the mission of the Saviour is completed and all the children of God the Father the Almighty are included in the promised salvation.
She smiles and leaves.