These are the words of the Blessed Mother on this day:
Children of God the Father, the Almighty, those amongst you who lament the lack of faith and the lack of communion amongst brothers know that God hears your laments and your prayers.
This I ask that you please continue to ask the help of God for the increase of faith.
Pray particularly for the leaders in the Church of my son that they may desist from preoccupations which are harmful to the increase of faith in the human spirit. God alone maintains the Church! Wealth and possessions cannot supplant evil and evil doing amongst men.
It is not helpful to the recapture of human integrity to persist in practices which are alien to God’s plan for humanity.
Therefore I say to those who amongst you insist in justifications which contradict the teachings of my son, Jesus the Lord, desist lest you become so enslaved by the practices you promote as to forget the goodness of God the Father, the Almighty.
Ask for God’s forgiveness before you proceed to convince yourselves that there is no need for it since God is always there, ready to forgive and forgo the insults you continue to vomit on His most holy Being, on His Most Perfect Intellect! Ask forgiveness for any sin you have committed and especially for those sins you say that God is ready to forgive. Impress it on your feeble and sinful minds that no one knows the mind of God the Father, the Almighty!
Children of God the Father, the Almighty be aware that as you insist on keeping to the understanding of your human intellect and deviate from the teachings of my son your achievements have produced the lack of faith which allows evil and evil doing to roam at will amongst you.
Know that when so many amongst your brothers and sisters say that they find it hard to believe in an invisible God, they pronounce the death of their own immortal soul and devalue the sacred nature of the human being.
Thus it is that children are too often abused, sold into dreadful sin and dissected for the benefit of human science, widows and the poor are used too often to enhance the wealth of the powerful and the intellects of the young are enslaved totally into the wills of leaders who are concerned exclusively with the destruction of those whom they hate and oppose.
Children of God the Father, the Almighty pray that you may be granted to maintain and defend the innocence of your souls.
She smiles sadly and leaves.