These are the words of the Blessed Mother on this day:
Children of God the Father, the Almighty, you look to your Mother the Church and say that it is holy. You say that the Church is holy because it receives the Body of Christ, my son in the Eucharist and because it has received from Jesus the power to forgive or condemn.
The holiness of the Church is maintained only by the purifying and sanctifying love of God the Father, the Almighty, because the Church is made up of sinners. Sinners do not have the power to sanctify.
Yet again, the Church is holy because it has received and holds the REVELATION OF THE TRUTH. The continuing mission of the Church is to proclaim the WORD. Yes, the most sacred mission of the priesthood is to teach continually that doctrine taught by Jesus, my son even unto the greatest sacrifice.
The teachings of Jesus make the Church holy empowering her to request obedience to the teachings she is proclaiming in the truth of the WORD. The WORD is TRUTH and it empowers those who hear it to obey and those who proclaim it to request obedience because the Word is infallible.
The Church and her authorities have the legitimate duty to demand the obedience of the children of God the Father, the Almighty, to the truth of the WORD. This obedience deposits holiness in the Church.
Because the Church is made of sinners there is failure to maintain untainted the practice of obedience. It is not legitimate for any one in authority in the Church to demand obedience when such creates harm and dissent and even causes the person so commanded to dissent from his convictions and sin.
The WORD is Truth and the way to salvation which is the most precious gift offered to all mankind.
The Word does not promote hypocrisy nor untruth, nor murder, nor theft, nor the denigration of brothers or sisters, nor adultery nor any form of sin.
The WORD is the breath of God the Father, the Almighty. Children receive the Word and give glory to God the Father, the Almighty.
She smiles and leaves.