These are the words of the Blessed Mother on this day:
Many are those who wonder because of me. They say: “She comes” or they say: “She does not come” or they say: “We believe” and others say: “We do not believe.” Others again say: “We shall say that she comes when she does not.”
All of this is foolishness unless you understand that I go where the Father sends me. He, God the Father, the Almighty commands me this mission: whisper to the lambs when they stray! He sends me where most of the lambs stray, where most of the lambs have made their hearts like stone and their minds are like closed doors!
Most of you will say that the members of your families and yourselves are not bad! Most of those in authority of any kind will say as well that they are not bad and that they act for the good of the many when they impose sacrifice on the weak and the poor.
Look at the society you live in with clarity and truth! If you do, you will understand that too many of your brothers and sisters reject the salvation offered to them by God the Father, the Almighty. They do not learn! They rather say that human suffering is a state decreed by God! They do not learn! They rather say: How could you allow such to happen, God!
Many are those who have abandoned their faith. They speak of the Word and reject or doubt the truth in the Word. They are lovers of self, of money and to obtain wealth they sacrifice the teachings of the Word. They are lovers of power! They are arrogant who execute decrees wherefore great suffering is inflicted on too many innocent brothers and sisters whom they refuse to recognise as brothers and sisters. They revile the persons of the innocent to establish their horrible rules. They are boastful and call it strength. They disobey the Word and their parents. They are unable to be grateful for God’s graces, they live unholy lives. They destroy the peace of many innocent brothers and sisters by mouthing malice of them. They hate those who do good for the love of the Christ, they betray their own brothers and sisters with ease. They deny the power of godliness.
Look around and see. Look around and grow in understanding. This is my mission, to point these facts to you all and recall you into repentance and aspiration to receive forgiveness. It is my mission to remind the children that Jesus the Saviour, my son, is ready to receive their repentance and grant His forgiveness. It is my mission to call you all into repentance.
She smiles and leaves.