Again we meet at the brook. The Blessed Mother comes. I am aware that she is requesting better punctuality, but she does not say so in words. The holy souls are also present. Some kneel in the water. A great light is there and the great eye and the Blessed Mother stands in the middle of the brook, her robes flowing in the water. She speaks:
I come to remind you that occasions such as you have received here are divine communications. These are given privately to remind you that salvation is also a private matter. Each soul receives salvation when each soul chooses to be saved. This choice is private and refers only to the person who asks. Salvation comes from a privately willed decision of the person who proposes to choose the Father, the Almighty and renounce all that is offensive to God. Salvation does not descend on you as a group of persons, but is available to each. Each of you is worthy of salvation equally. But the Father requires that you cooperate and request it. Your act of will is your cooperation. When you choose salvation you return to the Father, the Almighty and your trust in Him is restored fully. From then on you act in faith that the Lord, Jesus my son, will lead you towards the regaining of your human integrity. This is the will of God the Almighty.
Some of you who seek God seek as well to know His will. This is not possible. At times some say "This cannot be from God because God would not decide so". Such utterance is wrong for it is not given for man to know the will of God. God's will is. At times some say: "If God wills it so, then God is unjust." Reckless, foolish child is the one who thinks so! Rather than questioning God's will or justice, it is better to remember that all that comes from the Father is for good!
God alone knows the consequence of actions! But it is different for man. What men decide has consequence, but man cannot firmly establish what it is that will derive. It is therefore wise not to trust that the human mind can alone devise plans which will have good consequences. Rather, refer to the word of God at all times when a decision or plan is put into action. Some of the decisions envisaged by persons in authority can bring terrible consequences on many, intended to interfere with God's will for mankind.
At times such decisions may appear wise to assist in the elimination of suffering. Know that only God can do that! What causes suffering to one, may be a necessity for others. To alleviate suffering does not mean determining the period of the life of any one person by any means. It is true that in the end all is according to God, but as to the meaningful cooperation of man, such may be tainted by selfishness or pride. Thus souls are lost!
It is not given to man to perfect the body nor to establish its usefulness. The love you give one another is requested to be the same as that of Jesus, the Lord for each of you. All else is suggested to the human mind by the enemy of goodness who seeks for ever to challenge the will of God the Father, the Almighty! Wisdom will teach you to act always according to the love which Jesus has shown you which means that your actions shall be motivated by your concern for the body as well as the soul of your brothers and sisters. Many are the challenges which are placed on your way. Therefore remember to call on the Lord, Jesus to assist you.
Now I ask you to pray for wisdom. Pray also that more men of faith may enter the priesthood for the need is great.
She smiles on all and ascends with the great eye.