These are the words of the Blessed Mother on this day:
Children of God, the Father, the Almighty know that the works of compassion are worthy when they are accomplished to the glory of God the Father, the Almighty. When you bring your mission of compassion to alleviate the suffering of your brothers and sisters you feed your soul with the love of God, the Father, the Almighty.
Love is compassion and a virtue gifted by God, the Father, the Almighty, as are all the virtues which lead humanity to desire God alone, above all else.
It is difficult for all persons to practice the virtues and act in justice at all times. This is because many are the pitfalls in the place of your exile. Often I have reminded you of the importance of being good and attentive guardians of your intellect. Evil walks as freely as you, children of God, in the lands of your exile! Evil does not present himself openly to tell you that the temptations which are thrown your way constantly and diversely are the inventions of evil. Only the intellect which has been nourished with the truth is capable to discriminate between good and evil. Of your humility, thank God, the Father, the Almighty for the gift of discrimination which is obtained through humble prayer from Jesus, my son.
When you can dwell in the truth and believe in the truth of the salvation gifted by my son Jesus, the Lord, to all of humanity, you have entered the domain where all blessings reside: you have faith. Remember children of God, the Father, the Almighty that faith leads the believers to receive God and make a dwelling for Him in their hearts. Guard your intellect therefore and act in truth that you may believe what is true.
Guard yourselves from those who promote knowingly that which is not true, whatever the reasons for so acting. They promote untruths about the saints and assume for themselves to know the will of God, the Father, the Almighty. Pity them for while promoting falsehood, they have lost their faith.
Pray for them, but know that they are the instruments of evil. Pray that they may understand the dangers they are in and that they may fear the justice of God the Father, the Almighty. Even so, there is no sin which cannot be forgiven by God, the Father, the Almighty for those who are truly penitent.
She smiles and leaves.