These are the words of the Blessed Mother on this day:
I ask you, how can you hope to achieve the fullness of understanding when you allow your time to pass without prayer? How frequent are the occasions when you have overlooked prayer for the sake of other occupations?
Know that you cannot enter the path of the spirit unless it be through prayer. In the spirit, the soul communicates with the Father. In the spirit, the soul perceives the truth, when the doors are opened to a state which produces the serenity of stillness, a state which is free of the ordinary passions of the world you are in. Too many relegate prayer to a point which is secondary to the occupations of daily life.
In prayer, understanding of what is fear of God, the Father, the Almighty becomes clear and therefore you are made aware of the many occasions you have failed to obey His laws and commands. In prayer, aware of your weakness, you sorrow for the occasions of your failures and offer your repentance to God, the Father, the Almighty hoping for forgiveness.
When the depth of your failures become clear, you seek the confessional and receive the forgiveness for which the soul yearns.
Do not delay your Confession. Do not delude yourself, even at this stage, that, having understood the depth of your failures, you can say that you are on the path of salvation. You are forgiven by the one who was given the power of forgiveness in his ordination. The priest alone has such power.
Know that those who assume unto themselves a power not granted to them by God, the Father, the Almighty are placing themselves directly into the justice of the Christ. The person who says I can save myself assumes an awesome task which produces the danger of condemnation.
Similarly, pity the priest who ignores the soul in danger! Pity the priest who falls short of caring for each one of the souls entrusted to his ministration by God, the Father, the Almighty. Such priest who ignores the virtue of applying justice in each and every undertaking concerning the salvation of the souls of those placed in his care by God, the Father, the Almighty is to be pitied indeed!
Pity as well all those who have no desire to please God, the Father, the Almighty. They may say, “Who am I to seek to please God? If my actions cannot affect His happiness, why should I try to please Him?" To such a person I say, “Your actions cannot influence the Father’s happiness, nor His displeasure, but they do affect your salvation when you demonstrate in human ability that you wish to please the Father!”
Therefore I encourage all the children of God, the Father, the Almighty to seek the refuge of prayer for the benefit of their own soul. Prayer leads you to the truth, to a better understanding of the Word, to the humble acceptance of the will of God, the Father, the Almighty.
In the fullness of truth, the children of God, the Father, the Almighty are better able to read the signs of the times. In truth, they recognise and reject the workings of our enemy and his followers, who tempt with promises of natural and unnatural pleasures and all kind of desires.
Pray therefore, not only for yourselves but for the nations and their leaders and for the Church and those in authority within it. Pray that all may be aware of the dangers in this time.
She smiles and leaves.