These are the words of the Blessed Mother on this day:
Children of God the Father, the Almighty, this I wish to say that you may profit in protecting yourselves from harm. Do not listen to any one who feigns to be what he is not, one who pretends and acts a false part in order to seduce you to believe that which is not true.
Children of God the Father, the Almighty, whenever possible leave the presence of those who act in deception as to their real character and feelings, particularly in regards to morals and religion.
Children of God the Father, the Almighty, pray daily that you may not fall into the influence of the hypocrites! They play their part to ensnare you into believing that they are pious, virtuous and good in order to take advantage of your meekness while seeking to disable you from discriminating correctly as to their intentions. Know that a hypocrite is a consummate teller of untruths.
A hypocrite does not only deceive others, first he may deceive himself that he may better deceive others.
A hypocrite does not always act alone. When in authority, he commands others to carry out his deceptions knowing that complying to his commands means risking the salvation of the soul.
While the Lord decrees that the hypocrite's plans shall perish, as all that issues from such mouths are destined to future distraction and failure, many are the perils into which the children of God are drawn into.
Therefore I encourage you all to protect your intellect, to pray that the truth of my son enlightens you into correct discrimination.
Adelia ..................
She smiles and leaves.