These are the words of the Blessed Mother on this day:
Beloved children of God, I exhort you to believe that God, the Father, the Almighty has called you to imitate the perfection of Jesus, my son and Saviour. Call on the Holy Spirit of God to help you to love God that you may be justified in Jesus, the Christ, the Saviour. It is through faith that you become truly the children of God, living through this life into sanctity, in the time that the Father has given you.
I know that in your time it is very difficult to be in faith. To be in faith means to know love, that love about which I have spoken to you, that love which has no condition and no boundary. Many amongst you are not aware that your nature, in the present of your existence, needs a very special kind of nourishment; the nourishment of your mind and that of your soul. Nourish your mind with the knowledge of the Father's commands. Live by the commands of God and no other! Do it for the love of the Father and for no other reason! It is true that the cost is great, but I promise you from my knowledge that the reward is as great! Pray that God gives you good shepherds, shepherds who are united with the Apostles, the Prophets, the martyrs, who by their baptism into faith are truly united in Jesus, the Christ, the Saviour!
Many are the snares which your enemy has sown in the world! The love of God alone can make you indifferent to their temptation. For love of God nourish your body with virtues: be vigilant, fasting to discipline the cravings, love those who are most in need and assist them, do simple labour to supply to your daily needs and the needs of those who are unable to work; and for love of God nourish your soul with prayer, accept the suffering which the state of your existence visits on you, avoid causing temptation to your brothers and sisters, promote the justice of God for all, that all may have the occasion to seek their Creator. Best of all avoid loving yourself before God. Do not indulge in self-esteem which inevitably leads you to believe that you can be better capable to decide what is best for your brothers, or the family, or any human government of which you are part. And when your brothers speak to you to caution you when you are wayward, listen, for it is the Spirit of God which cautions you. Do not be tempted to limit the free will of your brothers who obey the commands of God and are the true members of the Church of the Christ, the Saviour.
Remember to love your brothers as well as Jesus loves them. If any of them offends against you, bring the grievance to their notice for the sake of their salvation, not your own satisfaction. But do not hesitate to confront evil when your brothers visit it on you. For as much as you love them for the sake of the Saviour, so much must you passionately oppose evil, even unto martyrdom.
Learn what is virtue and what is vice. Be strong enough to always choose virtue, no matter the cost! And, having walked in the path of virtue, be aware that temptation may lead you to believe that you are better than most. Develop humility in the knowledge that you are truly and constantly unworthy. God, the Father, the Almighty alone can make you worthy.
Keep Jesus ever present in your life, and follow his example. Be determined to ever be a member of the Church which He instituted and which does not need improvement, for His Church is perfect. Therefore, never indulge yourself into believing that you may practice in any way against your brothers and to do so for the good of the Church. No ordinance which is other than the example of Jesus can assist the Church, the mystical body of the Christ in its pilgrimage through time and towards God, the Father, the Almighty.
Live your life, children of God in the knowledge that your every action is in the presence of God, the Father, the Almighty.
She smiles and leaves.