These are the words of the Blessed Mother on this day:
Oh unhappy children! How much you have forgotten! Yet what you have chosen to forget is the obstacle to your growth towards your union in the Christ! Forgetfulness creates a power which is the opportunism of your time which evil has appropriated as its own playground! Yes, children! You have forgotten that salvation is the reason for your existence! Salvation should be the aim of all your efforts. Yet how many amongst you use your brothers as aids to your own opportunism? And how often?
Look on the Christ and examine His aim! He offered you the example of a supreme sacrifice for the good of all. That sacrifice unified all values for good into one supreme value which is your salvation! To dwell in the Kingdom you must seek to unite your efforts in that eternal value which exists outside of your human values. You cannot unite while you seek unity in values which are external to God’s Laws and only the device of human opportunism!
The Mystical Body cannot unite in the search for wealth, in economics which benefit one section of your societies, one nation or a group of nations while it reduces so many of your brothers to hunger; nor can the Mystical Body unite in the search for pleasure, nor the development of person, nor even in the search for freedom! These are but fractions, values which humanity presents to the human person to confuse the soul.
Do not believe that there are various values and that each value is independent of the other! If you persist in such quests you will resort to pantheism and you will dedicate your life to search for beauty, pleasure, gold, freedom or other such values to the point that they can become your god!
Children, make salvation your one aim. You can obtain your unity when you seek to unite in the Christ. Seek the Christ and the providence of God, the Father, the Almighty will elevate you from your present state, where humanity insists in practises which seek to enslave you, into the Mystical Body, the Church from whence you will obtain your salvation!
Yes, all that surrounds you, all that God has created on earth is there to be used according to your needs. Knowledge of such created means is achieved through human science. Man must learn to make the sciences accountable to the end aim, the salvation of all mankind! Science will justify its efforts when it will conclude that all created means are there to benefit each and all in the human family and respectfully acknowledge that each thing has a God-given particular value which derives from the Creator to benefit mankind. As such, it cannot be used badly.
Therefore, children of God, the Father, the Almighty, learn to discriminate for good, when you use the gifts. Do not challenge the goodness of the Father and assume that you can appropriate the knowledge and change the course of humanity according to your will. Such pride can only prolong your separation!
The time will come when the faith in the love which the Father has for you all will overcome the misdeeds of human science. At that time humanity will experience an era when unity in the Christ will reign on earth and mankind will regain its integrity. Such achievement will come at a great cost. Therefore, learn, use suffering to the benefit of all!
Adelia, in the matter of the examination of what I have said to you all, you will proceed. I advise ….…….The time is not yet come!
She smiles and leaves.