These are the words of the Blessed Mother on this day:
Children of God the Father, the Almighty, the Lord hears your prayers and He notes your efforts to arrive at the truth. He knows that you seek to establish your faith in the truth of His teachings. Your obstacle is that each one of you seeks that others adopt that in which you believe individually. As well, any one number of you gathered together seeks to establish a supremacy over the others. Therefore conflicts arise which cloud your intellects and cause you to oppose each other and often fall into excluding your brothers and sisters from your communions. Understand that such is contrary to God’s plan for the destiny of mankind.
God the Father, the Almighty holds each one of His creatures to be as precious as the others. He desires each one of His children to unite with Him for eternity.
You know that He became man that you may understand clearly His teachings which He gave to you in the frame of human intellect with words which children can understand. If you do not understand it is because you have caused the corruption of your own intellect. You attempt to impress with your own words and accept those who follow you, those whom you call friends and exclude any other, even when the others speak more according to the truth.
Children of God the Father, the Almighty, you have caused too many separations and so have created dissent and conflict; yes, such conflict which leads to the death of the soul, not only of the body! There is suffering as you cannot comprehend when you cause suffering to your brothers and sisters with deliberate and pre-meditated malice! Desist therefore and understand that God the Father, the Almighty has created those you persecute from the same love with which He created you. No one is better or higher than the other in God’s esteem!
Great hurt and suffering is born from the conflicts you have created. It is this suffering which can redeem any form of sinful actions.
Jesus the Saviour commands you to love your enemies for the sake of redemption.
She smiles and leaves.