These are the words of the Blessed Mother on this day:
Children of God the Father, the Almighty, I ask you again to pray for peace among all of the nations who are destroying their own generations from the hatred which is consuming their hearts and their minds and their souls! Pray with the words I have taught you, from your own hearts.
A capital mistake (sin?) has been deposited in the human soul, at the request of those who have chosen evil in preference to obedience to the Law of God the Father, the Almighty. Such is the cause of the many confrontations of nation against nation. Therefore, you have forgotten that mankind was created for love and goodness, that you may at all times glorify God the Father, the Almighty.
It is this same mistake which causes so many amongst you to hate one another, which is against the commands of God.
When two nations decide to engage in war because they desire to destroy each other, they act against that which is the destiny of humanity as God the Father, the Almighty has determined salvation to be.
Children of God the Father, the Almighty, you will come to understand that your progress towards salvation requires the understanding that, while it is not evil to seek justice when you are wronged, it is not possible to obtain justice through the cruel violence of revenge dictated by implacable minds nor through the bloody fury of rebellion.
Any nation which values itself above others, or values the riches gifted by God to another neighbour above its own God-given gifts, does not value salvation.
As the pain of your separation from God the Father, the Almighty increases because of the human sacrifices which war demands, children of God the Father, the Almighty, ask the Lord to assist you to that social morality which will show you that justice and freedom can never be achieved by adopting war. Rather direct your efforts to correct the social morality which leads you to adopt war.
She smiles and leaves.