These are the words of the Blessed Mother on this day:
Children of God the Father, the Almighty, I remind you that your refuge is the Church of my son Jesus, the Lord and the Saviour.
Yet many amongst you say that the Church does not offer refuge; that those who have authority as well as those who are the workers in the Church are corrupt and in sin, predators and thieves and corruptors of humanity.
In grand part such is true. Yet I say to you that the Church of my son is your refuge on earth because the Church is the keeper of the Word.
I say as well that it is you who can remedy the sins of the Church by protesting their existence and by claiming the Church as the refuge for all the children of God the Father, the Almighty.
God gave the Earth to His children that they may keep it and protect it for the benefit of all and as place of respite and learning, seeking perfection, until the day when God will call for His children to enter the Kingdom.
Yet throughout the ages of your exile most amongst you have forsaken the teachings of God and justified your own misdeeds by blaming others.
God made the Earth beautiful and fruitful, a place of plenty that you may continue the mission of the Christ to be His witnesses to the glory of God and the emancipation of all God's children into a state of eternal goodness and peace.
Look around yourselves and see what you have achieved!
Has the witnessing reached all? No! Has it profited salvation? No!
Are the governments of nations acting according to God's laws? No!
Has love grown in the souls of mankind to resemble the love of Jesus? No!
Has charity been allowed to reach all who suffer? No!
Instead, too many suffer while many others consume to excess the gifts God gave to all.
Too many are those who use and appropriate arbitrarily that which belongs to all and in the process they change the nature of the Earth, acquiring instead a deep poverty of their own soul.
Many are those who hypocritically proclaim the achievements of mankind while the fundamental structure for the human environment, the family, has been undermined and denigrated. Yet it is in the family that the human person learns to love and produce to the benefit of all.
If you consider that the Church is no longer the refuge for mankind, understand that such is because of the lack of care in many members of the human family!
Children of God the Father, the Almighty, stand up and grow in prayer and love of God!
Adelia ...
She smiles sadly and leaves.