These are the words of the Blessed Mother on this day:
This is the decree of God the Father, the Almighty, for humanity:
In the prolonged exile of the children from God the Father, the Almighty, the Word of God came to humanity first through the prophets to instruct and inform the children of God regarding the needs of the body and the soul.
My son came to reveal to all the children of God that what God decrees once He never overlooks. This is that the destiny of mankind is in the beginning of man who is made in the likeness of God the Father, the Almighty.
My son proclaimed that all who willed to regain the integrity of the human nature must hear the Word in Him and He promised that He would stay with the children of God always.
My son is in the Word given to the world that all who hear it may understand the love and faithfulness of their Creator.
The Apostles of the Lord promulgated the Word as it had been given to them by my son Jesus the Christ. The Word is in the Gospels, in the Church of my son.
It is the Church who keeps the teachings of the Word alive through the ages until the coming of the Lord.
My son Jesus is the Revelation and in Him the children of God can find salvation.
Throughout the history of mankind since its exile the love of God for His children is visible through the words of the prophets and principally through the teachings of Jesus and the proclamations of the Apostles who left the abundance of the Revelation in the keeping of the Church where the word resides.
The body of the teachings of Christ is the grave responsibility of the Church who proclaims it to the world under guidance of the Holy Spirit of God, teaching only what has been given to it, guarding it and explaining it faithfully, careful that it may benefit each and all the children of God the Father, the Almighty without exception.
Should human frailty interfere with that which is radical tradition in the Church of my son, God the Father, the Almighty, calls the authorities in the Church to be advised that the unity in the Church depends on the fusion of the authority of the Church with the Word in the teachings of the Scriptures and the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
Pray that the priests may be sincerely faithful to Holy Scriptures where they shall always find the Word.
She smiles and leaves.