We began the Holy Rosary just after 2pm. A smaller number than usual. Some of us have the flu or other impelling reasons for not being there.
The Blessed Virgin appeared again, as last month in the water of the brook. I remember thinking that the cold water could not possibly affect her health. I was smiling to myself. She smiled back, I'm sure she knew my thoughts. She was alone. The great and marvellous eye was just behind her. She was bathed in the incredible light which emanated from the eye. I tried to see what colour the eye was. But could not perceive the colour. The eye had a special energy which was colour and light and feelings. Warm feelings, loving feelings, powerful and frightening and mighty feelings. I fixed my eyes on her to overcome the awe which was making me tremble. She spoke:
I say again that you are in this world because the Father, the Almighty gives you this last opportunity to choose Him, first and foremost, of your own free will. There is no other reason for your exile. Mankind chose otherwise in the time of the rebellion. And now the choice is for each one of you, individually.
Remember that my Son, the Lord, the Christ, showed you to the limit of human endurance what you must do to obtain the Salvation which your Father has made available to each one of you. Choose God and all tears shall vanish from your life, your eternal life! But you cannot choose God today and put Him aside tomorrow because of earthly concerns.
See how I wait on you, even in this place. If you believe that I am here, why do you dally? When you choose God, truly and sincerely, nothing will keep you from Him, nor from me. If you choose God, the power is in you. If you choose God, the Almighty, you trust in him as a child trusts in the mother! Remember, there are no half ways!
Tell ______ to follow the need of his body, but that which is the medicine I gave him, he must eat daily. It is not a formality. But most of all, he must first accept in gratitude whatever the Father has gifted him with: sickness as well as health. He must trust in the Father, for whatever he receives is the gift of His love. Do not hide the gifts that God gives you, but share them because they propagate the love of God amongst all the brothers. Therefore, speak of your gifts to your brothers and sisters and accept the love of compassion. This is valid for _____ and _____ and each of you.
Remember, children, you have truly chosen God, your Father, the Almighty when you can bring yourself to accept. Accept that the Lord is God, is One, eternal and ever-powerful and that your own will is the gift wherefore you may obtain Salvation. Accept all in gratitude, with love for your Father and you will never again wonder at the reason for your existence on Earth. This existence is not at all. It is a transition! I pray with you and commend all the souls here present to your prayers! Pray, Children, like _____ does. Children, the Father calls you eternally!
The eye began to ascend, taking the Blessed Virgin in its power, with itself! I fall on my face. When I look up, all is peace.
10 MAY 1995
A dream during the night of 10th May 1995
I was walking on a gently sloping side of a hill covered in knee high grass of the most brilliant green, dotted with yellow and white flowers. A gentle breeze was caressing my face. I could see the Blessed Mother ahead of me, gathering herbs and flowers and putting them in her apron. I started to hurry towards her just as she turned around and called me. Other persons were also nearby, among them Vic and Ivo. I followed the Blessed Mother until we reached a building which looked like a poor farm house built with stones. We walked in and I saw a primitive kitchen. Against the wall opposite to the entrance there was a fire place where a pot which looked like a small cauldron was boiling. Ladles were hanging from wooden hooks on the wall. The Blessed Mother asked me to look very carefully and remember all the ingredients she was about to use while preparing the food. She went to the fire and ladled out of the pot 4 ladles of boiling water into an earthen jug. She took 4 dry leaves from the table, rubbed them between her hands and let them drop, powdered, into the jug. She turned to Ivo and said, “You must take this, everytime you drink”. She turned to me and said, “This is called chaparral”. Again she asked me to pay attention. Then she walked to a large wooden table on which there were leaf vegetables, root vegetables and powders and seeds in various size bowls. She selected one wooden bowl. She took a large beetroot and shredded it into the bowl through a wooden shredder. She turned to Ivo and said, “This is the healer, but be careful not to take too much and never alone.” Next she chopped half a large white onion into the bowl and she added 2 lettuce leaves that looked like endive after she broke them up with her fingers, one large stick of celery, chopped up, one large sliced cucumber, 2 very red, medium size tomatoes, one handful of peanuts, 2 leaves of fresh sage, 2 large cloves of crushed and chopped garlic, one 3 fingers pinch of cumin, the chopped kernels of 5 walnuts, one 4 fingers pinch of flax seed (about one tablespoon), one 3 fingers pinch of cayenne pepper powder and one 4 fingers pinch of kelp. Each time she was putting something in the bowl she would tell me what it was. Last she sliced 4 lemons and squeezed all the juice from them over the salad which she tossed. She turned to Ivo and said, “You must eat this every day, as much as you can tolerate”. I woke up and wrote down all details of the dream.