During the recitation of the Holy Rosary, the Blessed Mother comes. Usually I am pre-warned shortly before she appears by a feeling of expectation which causes my heart to thump. Additionally, I am aware of a multitude of souls who gather around us and in the water. She speaks:
One amongst you is asking to know what were the intentions of Judas as he betrayed the Lord. His intentions were to bend the will of Jesus to his own understanding and designs. Such is the arrogance of men that they seek to bend God to their own design as is the case in your present time and very much so amongst many of the leaders of most human organisations, governments who see the people they govern as less than they are themselves and worthy to be enslaved to their own schemes.
Do not be surprised therefore, if I say on behalf of my Son, the Lord, that such is the situation in the Church as well as it was with Judas. Many amongst the priests, having lost their faith through the pursuit of human methodologies for the sake of efficiency and self-gain, rely and scheme for themselves only. If they have lost faith, how can they impart faith?
Ask Fr Chauncy to act on this that I say, for it comes from the Lord, Jesus, the Christ: it is better to have twelve good shepherds than twelve thousand bad ones.
The words of the good shepherds are like mustard seeds and they spread fast, but the words of the bad ones are like poison and they harm the sheep.
I advise therefore that all priests act in truth only according to the instructions of the first priest amongst you, the one who fills the shoes of Peter. If they cannot, let them seek other venues for their earthly ambitions.
Do not be concerned as to the numbers of priests, for if you are obedient to the Word, the Lord will surely provide. You see, the Lord has sent me here to provide a corner of peace and prayer for those who seek it. Yet some find fault with God's choice of this event. They accept falsehood and deceit and reject the truth and that which is God's will for I go only where the Lord sends me.
Nevertheless this place shall prevail over others and shall become as necessary to the Church as is Lourdes.
Creatures of God the Father, the Almighty know that all that which is untoward and harmful to your salvation comes from the enemy. Do not shy away from rejecting all that which is evil. All evil acts as committed by mankind are not from God. When you reject evil, you begin to cooperate with your Creator. God the Father, the Almighty has decreed that He will act towards your salvation when you accept to live in His laws.
And now I wish to say that, in accordance with the needs of your priest, Fr Chauncy, I shall be present in this place on the first Saturday of every month at 11.00am. Be considerate of the needs of your priest as I am considerate. I also wish to tell you that my mission amongst you will not be for long.
She smiles somewhat sadly and leaves.