These are the words of the Blessed Mother on this day:
Remember that God has created all that is, and all that is, is for Himself. All of creation reflects the goodness of God, the Father, the Almighty. Therefore the smallest and the greatest parts of creation are worthy of love because they have been created by God and not for any other reason.
This applies to mankind as well. Therefore, love of a person, even one self, should be governed by the acceptance that a person is no more deserving of love than the next person, but the person is lovable because created by God.
God loves a murderer as much as any other person. He has made salvation available to all. Therefore, when you love yourselves do so in the knowledge that you love a creature of God, the Father the Almighty and that such love should not be greater than the love you have for others. This is the achievement you must strive for: that you should love that which God, the Father, the Almighty has created from His will and from His love. When you love a person, even yourself, you love God who loves mankind in each individual person since He created each person from His love. This you can achieve from your own will.
Therefore when you love a person, when you show compassion to a person, you do so because God has created that person from His love. This is how you begin to love God, the Father, the Almighty. In the time given to you, you experience various forms of love in different degrees. But remember that love is not love of God when the loved one takes precedence over God, the Father, the Almighty.
Unfortunately too many amongst you do not know or have forgotten what is necessary to salvation: to accept that God is God and that there is no other God but God, the Father, the Almighty. This is why I say, regarding my person, that God has increased me to greatness within mankind, not beyond, according to His holy will.
Adelia, the following words are for the Pope. Entrust them to Fr. _____.
She smiles and leaves.