These are the words of the Blessed Mother on this day:
I am calling the children of God to have faith. Faith that God is, faith that He is the Creator, faith that He wishes each and all to regain the integrity of the God given nature of mankind.
To believe in this you need faith. Jesus said to Thomas, “You have seen and therefore you believe, but blessed are those who believe and have not seen.” I ask you to consider that there is a distinction between the state of your nature and that of supernatural state. The intellect of man cannot comprehend sufficiently that which is in the supernatural.
God, the Father, the Almighty has revealed to mankind through His own Word, that which is necessary for the people of God to believe. Jesus, the Lord and my son, is the Revelation. If you believe in Jesus, you have faith.
Beware therefore that you do not seek to make plausible to a natural intellect that which has been revealed to mankind of the supernatural. Accept it in faith. In terms of the human intellect, understand that any human science is not complete in itself and must accept that which other sciences propose: they show faith in each other when they believe in the findings presented.
Faith is a supernatural virtue gifted by God to mankind. It is there for each person. Many amongst you are confused by the varied opinions as to what is truth and what is not. This is a condition of your time. Many seek the truth as it is contained in various religions. It is true that most religions seek to find God or the truth contained in His creation. They err because they seek truth outside of the Revelation. They seek to conceive God who is Almighty from their own finite intellect. Faith is the acceptance by the human intellect of the Revelation. The human intellect could not perceive the truth of the Resurrection of the flesh nor the truth of the Man-God and much more, unless it had been revealed and believed. Nor could the human intellect understand the truth of the virgin birth of the Christ, unless it had been revealed. Faith is the ray of truth which unites mankind to the Creator and by which it can regain the integrity of the original nature.
Faith gives serenity to the human intellect. In faith the human soul reposes at the source of life. In faith the human intellect has no longer need to search for a truth which eludes it. In faith the human person accepts the divine revelation.
She smiles and leaves.