This is the message of the Blessed Mother on this day:
Mothers and Fathers, collaborating with God the Father, the Almighty in caring for the children born on Earth, it is right that you remind yourselves regularly that the children in your care are children of God the Father, the Almighty and that He gave you your children to bring them up as children of the one Father, who is in His Kingdom, where I also reside. Remember constantly that they belong to God, not yourselves, that they are their own persons. Care for them and guide them that they may grow in the knowledge of what is good and what is not good, and in the wisdom to choose good for love of God, the Father, the Almighty.
Care for your children and know that when God entrusts them to yourselves He intends that task to be the primary activity of your life. Care for your children in a way that will not limit their freedom to choose God above all, but rather, give them the freedom to do so. In your society's present concept of freedom, children receive overloaded concepts of freedom which they cannot master due to the tender age of their life. They are thus overburdened with behaviour which is for the adult person. In many instances they are given into the care of persons who are not mature themselves. They may not have received unconditional love from their own parents and therefore do not know how to give it to their own children.
God, the Father, the Almighty, intends that all his children be nurtured and allowed to grow in an environment of unconditional love. But many are the parents who choose to allow their children to practice all the freedoms accepted by the society you live in. This is not freedom; rather this is how a child is robbed of his innocence.
Therefore, I say to all parents take care to remember that educating your children is a tender task which will produce freedom in your children when it is done in full respect and remembrance of the laws of God, the Father, the Almighty. In your present time there is a great need to teach children the real meaning of happiness and joy in life and how very often they are the result of sacrifice and self-denial and humility. Prepare your children to know that life is often sorrow and difficulty and how to overcome with the help of Jesus, the Saviour. Be honest with your children and tell them that life is often struggle and hardship. Do not paint an unreal idea of life being joy and self-gratification, for no person has lived such a life at all times, ever!
Parents, remember at all times that the children are not to be treated with adulation because they are not signs in our times, nor are they the voice of God in your midst for they must yet be guided into understanding the value of humility and obedience to God's Commands. Teach your children to live a life where all values are authentic, given to us by God the Father, the Almighty.
Therefore teach your children at all times to refer to the parents that they may always be able to recognise that they are members of the Church and that their development must always consider that of others as well. To recognise all others as brothers and sisters gives birth to Christianity and justice.
It has become increasingly difficult for parents to guide their children to choose God above all else. This is because the society of today has embraced norms which are removed from God's Law. And parents have not been helped very much by many in the hierarchy of the Church, who have chosen to concentrate their efforts to decry mundane material misery at the cost of theology based on faith and truth. They have turned all political problems into the problems of religion, problems of the Church.