These are the words of the Blessed Mother on this day:
How long does Mankind, the creatures of God, the Father, the Almighty hesitate to relinquish those ways which keep them separate from the blissful peace and joy of the Kingdom? I come to repeat that which my son has revealed. I come at the command of the Lord, Jesus, the Saviour. Why do you hesitate?
Like children intent on preserving possession of instruments of play and at times coveting and stealing them from their companions, you concern yourselves with the means of life on Earth and neglect to reach out and take possession of your inheritance, the entrance into the Kingdom. While too many of you set your goals to achieve possessions, power over others, glory and recognition, or even just simple comforts like food and other necessities as do the very poor, you ignore the lessons which the life on Earth should have imprinted on your intellect.
Many allow themselves to be reduced to the simple instincts of that nature which is human and which you must learn to overcome if you aim at the ultimate good. Cannot you see that to enter the Kingdom you must aim to reintegrate those aspects of your nature which mankind discarded at the time of its fall from grace? This is what is expected of you for your salvation. You cannot say that what you do is justified by the demands of the time. You cannot say, “I must keep part of the benefit, even though it is intended for the good of the poor, for I do not keep it for myself, but for the other needs of the institution which I am head of,” or “I must camouflage the truth of the situation to the detriment of some good persons, but for what is the benefit of more than one,” or “I must steal from that rich person because my children are hungry”. All such behaviour demonstrates clearly a complete lack of faith in God, the Father, the Almighty. Wrong judgment is wrong whatever its causes. Rather, consider the God given gifts which are there in abundance and ready to be taken up that you may become the persons able to obtain salvation.
Therefore be advised to discard desires for earthly gains, however insignificant these may appear according to your own judgment. Once you indulge yourself in this way, you will proceed to greater ambitions. Be vigilant to avoid small pitfalls and you will avoid all the greater ones. I come to you to guide you because you are walking in unknown terrain, grazing on pastures not always fertile. Therefore, children of God, I come to lead you to have faith in God, the Father, the Almighty. Faith in God will provide you with the unhesitant courage to reach your salvation.
She smiles and leaves.