These are the words of the Blessed Mother on this day:
Remember that your body, by its actions, reflects the state of your soul. Therefore if your soul desires goodness, your body practices goodness. While this may be your desire, there are times when each of you will fail to achieve your desire for goodness to be your practice. This is when you turn to Jesus and implore His help. He will help you to be sorry for your mistakes. He will help you to co-operate. He will help you to perform those acts of penitence which are necessary for your redemption. He will help you to reach the stage when you will be able to receive and give forgiveness, freely.
Jesus is the Compassion of God, the Father, the Almighty for each member of mankind. He alone dispenses the justice of God, the Father, the Almighty on each one of you. Be aware that divine justice does not judge from abhorrence, does not judge from love but from divine justice alone. Therefore do not approach the justice of God lightly, but rather with justified fear of God, the Father, the Almighty that your actions may be according to His holy will.
Know that Jesus is compassionate and forgives any and each of your mistakes. But no sin is forgiven without true repentance and willing amend.
It is not sufficient to pronounce the words of repentance for the demands of expedience alone: the Lord knows your minds and hearts. Men can be deceived, but no one can deceive the Lord. Pity those who act in deceit. Pity more those who refuse to show contrition for their offences, for they act from pride.
Nurture a humble behaviour. It is easy for the humble to obey God, the Father, the Almighty. It is easy for the humble to show repentance. It is easy for the humble to ask forgiveness. It is easy for the humble to fear the justice of God, the Father, the Almighty.
Adelia ………………………
Follow this instruction.
She smiles and leaves.