These are the words of the Blessed Virgin on this day:
All the children of God are called to total and unconditional loyalty to God the Father, the Almighty and acceptance of all which is contained in God’s law for mankind. Greatest amongst all gifts is salvation, granted to each member of mankind through the precious blood of my son, Jesus the Christ.
If you value salvation, you must pick up the challenge which places you on the side of goodness no matter how heavy the cross! Do carry the cross with courage, children of God and never hesitate on the way to God, the Father, the Almighty because hesitation keeps you separated from the Father that much longer!
Hesitation is the reason why today too many of our children consider it prudent to decrease those moral commitments to mankind which are the legacy of Jesus, the Christ! And this at a time when never has the need been greater for the priesthood to renew and enhance the Christian commitment in the world! Therefore, children of God, do not hesitate to proclaim the Christ and His presence amongst us!
But, unfortunately too many are those who act to promote injustice in the world through agreements and vile plans and machinations which give birth to maleficence, inflicting severely on the innocent. Be aware children, that each person, each family, each nation is capable of great injustice and so act when they hesitate to call on the Lord for help.
Remember as well that the Father has called us to live according to that law which has been imprinted in the conscience of each person and which guides all the children of God to live and work in full adoption of all the virtues, which allow you to exalt innocence rather than persecute it and to create a world of peace even in your present state.
If you only knew how well you could delight Heaven if you dedicated yourselves to increase goodness amongst yourselves, by the unfailing exercise of justice and charity, in dedication of all your actions to the will of God the Father, the Almighty who would certainly accept such actions and transform them into great eternal rewards.
And above all, dedicate yourselves to prayer, and in prayer, ask to be granted to discharge all the tasks which are assigned to you for the good of your brothers and sisters with great compassion in a spirit of sacrifice and good example to others.
She smiles and leaves.