These are the words of the Blessed Mother on this day:
It is difficult to deny that, in most cases, human behaviour is separating from the sacred norms of Christian morality. In fact, deviants ignore or mock the essentials of human and Christian morality. They are forgetful of God's justice. They justify themselves by a concept that God has included justice in the practices of humanity, for mankind to administer without recourse to God's commands.
Therefore, deviants say that justice is at the service of the particular needs of individuals or societies or nations. Thus mutual respect between individuals or societies or nations, is forgotten. When human desires overcome mutual respect, they produce a cruel will for supremacy, and often violence.
This is how wars begin. At war, they invoke justice, a man–made understanding of justice. And where will they find justice when each seek to gain that which they declare is their due? Will they have found justice when exhausted by blood and conflict, they pause to assess the spoils and find them lacking? Will they begin to understand that real justice belongs to God, the Father, the Almighty? Or will they postpone their lack of understanding of the needs of their neighbours to a later cruel conflict?
I ask you, children of God, the Father, the Almighty to protect and maintain those sacred norms of Christian morality, as demonstrated to you by my son, the Lord, the Christ. First maintain them and protect them in yourselves as the only means to elevate human life on Earth. From yourselves impart them to the children, to the society and to the nation. By practicing mutual respect all can be free of the desire for that which belongs to another and become aware that each person is loved equally by God, the Father, the Almighty who has gifted each person and each nation according to their needs.
A person, a society, a nation is indigent when others deprive it of the gifts God has provided for them. Being human, having suffered the theft of the gifts, often the reaction creates hatred which will result in conflict to the death of compassion.
Remember, litigations, conflicts and war are the creation of greed and lack of conscience of all the values which help humanity to live in a civility of the spirit as well as in a material state of well-being.
Remember, children of God, that you are called, by virtue of the blood of the Christ, not to attach to human events, glad or painful, but to overcome them that you may participate in the life prepared for you from the foundation of time.
She smiles and leaves.