These are the words of the Blessed Mother on this day:
Children of God the Father, the Almighty, know that Jesus my son hears the cry of your distress. He can bring comfort to your soul. Turn to Him from your suffering and ask for respite.
Do not doubt the love which the Father has for you and be consoled.
Often you say why must I be the one who suffers? Know that it is not possible to show you the reason for the suffering which inflicts on your lives on Earth. The understanding of it is for God alone, since it is in His plan for the return of humanity to God the Father, the Almighty!
Do not think that what I say is not valid due to the simplicity of such explanation! Do not say in your arrogance that you could understand, if it were revealed to you! Consider that none amongst you can distinguish the suffering allowed by God from the suffering brought by humanity on herself!
Desist from rebellion against that which you are unable to avoid. Desist from prideful attitudes implying that you understand more than others regarding human suffering. In itself, such is accusation against God’s Plan for humanity.
Accept God’s will at all times. Turn to Jesus, my son, for help in your times of suffering. And gain strength and comfort. When you accept that your afflictions are at the foundation of your suffering, do not dare to call on God to explain. God the Father, the Almighty knows the limits of your endurance. He knows as well the degree of your resistance to His Plan. I pray that you may all turn to Jesus that you may know that the love the Father has for each and all has no limit.
Do not say that you did not ask to be created into a world so full of suffering and that God does not understand the degree of your suffering! Do not complain that you are poor and destitute or desolate in your loneliness. Do not complain about the number of your enemies! For all of these God the Father the Almighty has provided that you will find the remedies if you accept His holy will.
I pray that you learn to use the gift of your free will to walk in the way of goodness and justice since such is the road to your salvation.
She smiles and leaves.