These are the words of the Blessed Mother on this day:
Jesus, the Lord, gave the Church to his disciples, that it may grow its roots in humanity for the salvation of mankind.
The Church is to maintain and impart the teachings the Christ gave to humanity by the example of his own life.
From the moment of his birth into humanity, one example is constant throughout the life of the Saviour: It is his trust in the Father that what the Father provided will never fail those who believe and trust in God, the Father, the Almighty.
Trust in God, the Father, the Almighty gives birth to hope. With trust in God, the Father, the Almighty, the Church, faithful to the teachings of the Saviour, can implant hope that the grace of salvation will be granted to the believer.
Know that no teacher has the right to impart a personal view in confrontation to the teachings of the Word by the Church. Theologians cannot usurp the office of the Church, however wide their acceptance in the world.
The Church, considering the crisis which is creating so many defections from the teachings, recognising the harm suffered by so many children of God, the Father, the Almighty must intervene. The intervention cannot rely on optimistic expectations that from this evil some good shall be born eventually. This understanding can only produce a wrong assumption that what is bad will give birth to well-being. You know that evil cannot produce goodness. God alone can change the effects of evil into goodness. Be aware therefore that God alone can alter the course of evil, but not without cost to those who produce it.
Sadly, in your time the people of God speak in many languages, with human concepts about the teachings of scriptures. And many are the children of God who, in confusion, say, “can I believe in a Church who does not believe in herself”
Keep ever present in your minds, children of God, that those who say that the truth is understood differently by each person, speak with human understanding of the truth. Divine truth cannot be understood by the human mind, it can only be accepted as a non-contradiction to human reason. Jesus entrusted to the Church the divine truth. This is the truth that the Church alone can impart. To do otherwise causes confusion.
Adelia, you have been shown that the task of One Heart is to be included into the Church by the Archbishop. By the grace of God, the Father, the Almighty and under guidance of Fr. Gregory, who has been shown as well the difficulties before you, One Heart will strive to gain the trust and love of the authority. Do this …………………………………………………………………
Pray children of God, pray for the Church that it may continue the work of salvation in the name of the Saviour, Jesus, the Christ. Pray together and alone. Pray constantly and invoke the intervention of God, the Father, the Almighty to defeat all the intentions of evil.
She smiles and leaves.