Children of God the Father, the Almighty marvel at the works of the Creator!
He has made all in perfection and for life in continuity. God has planned for sufficient sustenance and shelter for each of His creatures that they may accomplish their role in God’s plan for humanity.
To man he has given a father and a mother and family.
Children of God the Father, the Almighty observe how the life of family has deviated into inconsistent and unreliable support for the members within and for itself. The family was created by God the Father, the Almighty to be the foundation of humanity and its own protector for as long as man lives on Earth. This is no longer for everyone.
The enemy of mankind has seduced countless mothers to reject the children God the Father, the Almighty assigned to them. Countless fathers and mothers are seduced to desert one another and their children in search of gratifications elsewhere.
Worse than all other seductions is the unrestrained race for wealth by the design of states planning each to become the most powerful of all others. They have distorted the nobility of work by laws which deny a mother the right to put her child before other duties. Mothers have become part of that force designed to produce wealth for the State. Other social and man-made problems may see mothers leave their children to the care of others lest the family falls into starvation.
Children of God the Father, the Almighty have you asked why the family is no longer the foundation of all the human family. Have you asked why human laws are opposing so fiercely the laws of God the Father, the Almighty, created to sustain the family for the benefit and the security of all the members of humanity? Ask yourselves about what is poverty, what is war, what is murder what is lawlessness and slavery. Who benefits from it all?
Work therefore to protect your family and remember that Jesus the Christ asks you to protect the widow and the orphans and to be caring and giving to the poor!
Without the family humanity bleeds its own life away.
She smiles and leaves.