These are the words of the Blessed Mother on this day:
Children of God, truth is the essence of understanding and knowledge. Truth is divine and unchanging.
Faith born of the truth contained in the Word is eternal. It is the source of the nourishment which God the Father, the Almighty has provided from His Providence that all mankind may benefit. It is the gift offered to each and every person.
God the Father, the Almighty has gifted the priesthood with the duty to preserve intact and impart to all the essential truth, representing that which has been understood by all, in every age.
The individual human intellect understands partially and imperfectly. A blind man recognises a flower by its perfume, the seeing man knows the same flower by its shape and colour.
It is easy to perceive the truth differently. Therefore it has been given to the saints inspired by the Holy Spirit to develop the body of knowledge contained in the teachings to include all valid understandings of the truth, while keeping faithfully to the essence of the truth. Such developments are justified not only by the teachers who have the authority, but by logic and historical reason as well.
Children of God, the Father, the Almighty let this be your guidance, therefore grow in the truth when what you perceive does not contradict the essence of the teachings of your faith.
Grave is the harm caused by the introduction of personal perceptions into the body of the teachings when such perceptions contradict the essence of the faith.
It is beneficial that the children of God, priests and teachers, should ask if the essence of the teachings upon which the faith is founded, has been preserved intact.
Arise in the truth children of God, do not be silenced by the adverse and derisive opinions of those who criticise your faith. Let it be known that the Church allows clarifications of various concepts to be developed. However, the clarification of a concept becomes illogical when it attempts to include concepts of other types. It would be illogical to attempt to develop a concept of nature by stating that rivers flow uphill.
She smiles and leaves.