These are the words of the Blessed Mother on this day:
Children of God, the Father, the Almighty, you who in faith acknowledge the reality of the supernatural, know that the Father chooses certain events, actions, words and persons to be instruments towards your understanding of the existence of the supernatural. Without this specific understanding, the human intellect reduces all and everything to simple existential psychology. This is the reason for my visitations to you.
I say this in answer to those who question my presence amongst you. I remind you that I visit you at the command of God, the Father, the Almighty. Take care to understand the value of these visitations. They take place for your benefit that you may value the gift of salvation which God extends to all and each of you.
Value your faith and the gift of the Church instituted by Jesus, my son, the Saviour, the Church built on the foundation of the Word. Learn from the Word and keep to it. Renounce the desire to seek remedy for your pains, physical and spiritual, in the multitude of various remedies offered to you by a society disconnected by too many opinions. Know that all which is of value exists in God, the Father, the Almighty who alone is the union of all values. He alone is goodness. Therefore, in your need, turn to the Father alone. I have told you before and again that whatever the Father visits on you is for your good. Accept it and grow.
Keep to the Word particularly when you are aware that you stand opposed to the morality of the society which constantly offers you new deceptions. Keep to the Word even when you come to understand that they are liars who proclaim that you are fortunate because you live in poverty, that you are feeble of mind if you renounce the liberties offered by an enlightened humanity and that you are foolish indeed to accept the faith when science offers all the benefit of new achievements. Keep to the Word because therein is the Christ, the Saviour.
Keep to the Word, follow the teachings of Jesus and you will obtain the promised reward of your salvation. Jesus the Man, renounced the ways of the world, he divested himself of all which was not needed to the salvation of mankind. He became like a mendicant when he could have been an earthly King. He lived like a priest when he could have been the father of a multitude. He abstained from carnal desires to enjoy the privilege of sanctified life.
Learn from the Word and live!
She smiles and leaves.