These are the words of the Blessed Mother on this day:
Children of God the Father, the Almighty, do observe that those who amongst you cause victims of injustice are mostly inclined to sympathy for the malefactor. They are often insensitive to the pain of the victims as well.
It is wholesome to remember how the moral standard of the time of the crucifixion of my son, Jesus the Lord and Saviour inflicted on His suffering. He was blameless and victimised above the limits of human endurance.
Yet He asked for and granted forgiveness. It is true that He did not turn against His betrayers, but He did not reward them.
It is acceptable to God the Father, the Almighty that we forgive. But to extend forgiveness to reward is not. A bad deed cannot be rewarded for such action establishes a new relationship between good and evil.
It is necessary to remember at all times that there cannot be a good consequence from an evil act.
God alone can change evil into good!
The redemption of the soul from sin takes place when the sinner acknowledges its own responsibility in the evil action and repents, confesses and asks for forgiveness.
It is very necessary for the redemption of the soul that the sinner be accepting of the penance, of the divine justice which follows the soul on its travel towards salvation.
When the sinners realise that divine justice is upon him, it is correct to give thanks to God the Father, the Almighty for showing the sinners that divine justice (punishment) is an indivisible part of the justice and the compassion of God. Therefore suffering originates in the mystery of the original sin.
It is necessary to keep foremost the knowledge that the divine justice, the suffering which follows the redemption of the soul from sin, takes action through the providence of God. Providence acts universally to lead the soul from suffering to happiness, from sinful deeds to co-operation with Jesus, from disadvantage to faith in God the Father, the Almighty.
Children of God the Father, the Almighty I exhort you to keep foremost in your mind the need to act according to God's law. Further, keep it fixed in your mind that the final judgement is the manifestation of the moral condition of humanity on Earth. There shall Jesus act.
She smiles and leaves.