These are the words of the Blessed Mother on this day:
Children of God why do you war, nation against nation, man against his society? Rather, understand that war is abominable in the eyes of God. War is the will to do harm to those whom some call enemies. War is either cruel revenge which damages the soul, or the ferocity of rebellion, or the desire of strong leaders to dominate, control and enslave the weak, or greed and rapacity which despoils nations of the gifts God assigned to them. While humanity persists in wars, humanity will know and suffer the perils of sin.
Some leaders who are at war seek to disguise their actions with pretexts of interventions for freedom. They may obtain the consent of some men, but never the consent of God, the Father, the Almighty.
When mankind learns to resolve all quarrels in agreement with each other, this is when the age of peace will visit mankind and the fullness of civility will reign on Earth.
A war won invites the rebellion of the conquered and the conquered will bite and maim the conqueror. All who are at war, are in sin. Grave amongst sins is ignoring that each life is the creation of God, the Father, the Almighty including the life of the enemy. Life belongs to the Creator. Those who offend against life must suffer the consequences of their sin in the justice of God.
One amongst you is uncertain that his sin has been forgiven in the confession. Know that when forgiveness is asked of the Father, redress of the misdeed must follow, if you have truly repented.
If you kill, you cannot restore the life taken and you must therefore suffer the justice of mankind as well as the justice of God. God can read your heart.
If you have stolen from your brothers, your repentance must include the restitution of the stolen property. You cannot justify thefts by saying, "he has and I have not." You are not forgiven unless you restore stolen property.
You sin gravely as well when you denigrate a person in the eyes of the society. When you malign the reputation of a brother, you will have to restore his reputation amongst those to whom you have imparted your slanders, if you seek forgiveness.
Therefore, children of God, do not be misled by those who give human justifications for yours and their own sins. You must remember that those who, recognising that they need the help of God to elevate themselves toward the Kingdom of God, must take instruction for their actions from the laws of God, the Father, the Almighty exclusively and ignore all suggestions which entice them to justify their sin according to the norms of their own society.
The same applies to the behaviour of any organisation, institution (social or monetary, political or religious) or government. All sin when they violate or discriminate against any of their own members for the sake of the organisation, institution or nation.
Those who lead these organisations have decided that the good of one person is lesser than the good of the whole.
The life of Jesus, the Christ, and the words of all the messengers of God proclaim that God will call these leaders to justice. Children of God, take heart and always seek to follow Jesus, the Saviour.
She smiles and leaves.