These are the words of the Blessed Mother on this day:
Children of God the Father, the Almighty you who ask the Father to grant His compassion to alleviate the suffering of too many of your brothers and sisters, you who petition Him to intervene and remove the evil intentions from the minds of those who adopt it as necessary human behaviour on certain occasions, know that your petitions are welcomed by the Father.
The Father hears and grants His compassion, at times fully, at times partially. God the Father, the Almighty dominates over the all there is. He brings havoc and disruption over the forces of nature at times and welcomes your prayerful petitions to reinstate calm and order over the seasons. He alerts the minds of the peace workers to confront and defeat the murderous intentions of some brothers who seek to kill and destroy. Your prayers can defeat the establishment of evil in the world you live in, that evil which inflicts terror in many nations, touching all of humanity, just and unjust, peacemakers and warriors with the same violent destruction. Do not be deceived that some peoples are better than others for they are each and all capable of the worst cruelties when evil enters their intellect. Rather, learn that the Father hears your prayers and grants his compassion.
In your time, mankind contends with the knowledge that evil is contesting the destiny of humanity. Some dare to say that the calamity which inflicts indiscriminately on the just as it does on the wicked is an injustice with which they visit God. Yet they should consider instead that human suffering is that mystery which unites human suffering to the suffering of the Saviour, the Christ, the innocent Jesus.
Mankind suffers when evil as when innocent. Mankind suffers not because mankind is evil but rather because mankind is human. Prayer leads the children of God toward regaining the pure integrity of the human nature.
At some time in the history of mankind, man decided that he had to accept responsibility for the world and the events of mankind. Thus he infringed on the Providence of God the Father, the Almighty. Some reckless thinking decided that the Providence of the Father was delegated to man. And man began to dispense his justice and his revenge on mankind with ever increasing violence.
Children of God, you can strengthen yourselves with acts of sacrifice and prayers which will assist you to withstand all forms of tribulations. Learn to accept that the hand of God the Father, the Almighty is ever present in the destiny of mankind. If you believe and trust that God the Father, the Almighty is alone able to control all events, then you may approach God with your petitions invoking His compassion.
She smiles and leaves.