These are the words of the Blessed Mother on this day:
It is not a wrong to long to know God the Father, the Almighty. Most of His children seek to define the qualities of His person not knowing that it is a grave wrong to attempt to describe God. From the beginning of the first such thought, the first such utterance, children of God the Father, the Almighty, you offend His person because you attempt to reduce the Creator to the boundaries of human perception.
Be therefore content to know that God the Father, the Almighty is the giver of all from His divine liberality. He is the giver of life, of love, of justice, of death and of redemption.
We all know God only through the moral life of Jesus, His Son. Jesus alone spilled His blood freely that the way to redemption be made clear to all of mankind. Jesus alone gave His love to all, freely and unconditionally, including His executioners. Jesus alone made His Church the inheritor of the moral civility which mankind needs to enter into eternal life.
It is the Church of my son, therefore, who is holding the doctrine which is to be delivered into the intellects of all the children of God the Father, the Almighty. Such is the mission of the priests.
Therefore a priest must become the holy instrument for the Word to be transmitted. Yet many priests have adapted their holy mission to the requirements of their own natural morality, to the detriment of the Church.
Therefore, Jesus the Saviour has provided that the priests of the future shall embrace their mission with full dedication to their works. They shall teach the one truth, and no other. Their Souls shall be forever desirous to perfect their works in the imitation of Jesus the Christ until each person is brought to share in the very nature of the Saviour, Jesus the Christ.
Pray for the priests. Their mission requires the constancy and dedication of the sainthood. Constancy in the perfecting of human works of love for the benefit of mankind, and dedication to the honing of their own soul, through prayer and meditation, until they know they have received the supernatural life of Jesus in their own souls.
She smiles and leaves.