These are the words of the Blessed Mother on this day:
Know that all that you are is from God, the Father, the Almighty; all that God sends you is for your good. Appreciate His gifts, therefore, with gratitude.
When you say “I’m awaiting the coming of the Lord in the end times”, know that He is still with you as in the first. In His human becoming and in His human ending He is still with you in His timeless and divine being.
You do well to hope in His revealing Himself to you again. Hope is a gift of God which you develop in faith. Faith in the Creator becomes love for Jesus, my son. This is how you learn to love God the Father, the Almighty. Such love gives you complete joy!
Know that the love of God, the Father, the Almighty is not the same as human love. Human love, when lawful, gives happiness which is as durable as the life of a flower in its season, it begins and ends! Human love is like the thought which can lead the children of God to discover the complete ecstasy of the love of God, the Father, the Almighty. His love is unconditional and founded in divine justice.
God the Father, the Almighty has given you the law, that you may understand how to live in the time He has given you. Knowing His love and His law, you will be able to develop the desire to be with Him, of your own free will. His love is unconditional and patient and forgiving. You cannot say that you love God, that you love my son unless you live according to the law of God. Children of God, the Father, the Almighty, understand that if you observe half the law, you cannot say that you love God, that you are grateful for His gifts.
As well, you must learn to respect the norms in various societies because they have been upheld from generation to generation. Human norms in particular societies are born from particular conditions and situations. It is wise for the visitor to observe them even when they differ from the visitor’s own. This is to offer respect and refrain from ridicule.
Many offer disdain on those who dress modestly, yet modesty is a sign of respect for the gift of the body. Many are not aware that they do not glorify God when they wantonly exhibit the body like the women who reveal their bellies for the eyes of all. The belly is sacred as the residence of the child, the new life which is the blessed gift of God. It swells for the wellbeing of the child.
Similarly it is with the breasts of the woman, the source of nourishment for the new life and affection for the husband. When exhibited for other reasons they become the objects of unlawful lust. Similarly for men, when they exhibit their bodies in a lewd or unclean fashion which often offers revulsion to the viewers. It is not wise to indulge in such behaviour because all of the body is sacred. It reflects the mind of the Creator, yes, even a twisted and tortured body is sacred. If you respect your body because it is a gift of God, then you will ensure that you use your body to glorify God. Children of God do not say that it is good to bare the intimacy of your body because such happens freely in other societies. If you wish to do so, go and live amongst them who do. It is not wise therefore to introduce the customs of other societies into your own for the sake of seeking personal attention.
It is wise to be thoughtful and considerate of all good customs in the various societies. It is also wise to ignore those customs which diminish the human dignity of the person in the eyes of many. It is necessary for salvation to adopt faithfully all of God’s Law. If you love the Saviour, children of God, the Father, the Almighty, you will live in the law and practice it. You will not consider it to be a burden.
She smiles and leaves.