These are the words of the Blessed and Immaculate Virgin, our Mother, on this day.
Dear ones all, dear to me and to the Father, the Almighty, I seek to awaken you to the meaning of all that I have said to you. Are you wiser because of my words to you? If you understand that you are, then you know that this has come about by the intervention of the Father who sent me. This is the miracle. Any other occasion for wonder cannot be greater.
I come to tell you that you must seek your salvation. I come for no other reason. I come to show you the pitfalls and to show you how to avoid them. I come to tell you that salvation is granted by God, the Father, the Almighty alone and he wills it for all.
Seek your salvation. You cannot obtain your salvation by uttering prescribed words only as hypocrites do. If you seek Salvation you must will it with all of your selves.
From long ago, your Father has given you the commands which you must follow if you seek salvation. The first and foremost of all the commands is that with which you acknowledge that your Father is God and that there is no other God.
This means that you will not put any one nor anything before God, the Father, the Almighty. You will not make any person nor any desire first in your life, not earthly mother or father, not spouse, not child, not friend, for God is first, to be in His presence must be your first desire.
And when you need to call on the Lord, your Creator, you must be sure that you do so for the right reason – your salvation! Remember that He is your Creator. He is a Father when He chooses; he is a Brother when He chooses. I tell you that he is your Father and your Saviour because He so chooses.
I have spoken to you about the pitfalls which litter your passage in your present state. You need a regular discipline for worshipping God, the Father, the Almighty. This is to give Him glory and to strengthen your soul and nourish it with devotion to your Father. The Church, the earthly society of God, the Father, the Almighty, prescribes one day in seven. Keep it holy!
The Lord says that each of you must honour your parents. In the present time, society has developed diverse norms for honour and respect. Ensure that where your parents are concerned, you can discern that which is honour according to God's command and that which is honour according to social norms. They conflict often.
Importantly, you cannot assume the right to kill unless it is for your nourishment. God is the master of His creation and he balances life according to His plan.
Human life is sacred in all its manifestations. All other life is necessary and must progress according to God's will. Do not tamper with God's creation for even the most learned amongst you cannot foresee the consequences of that tampering.
Adultery has serious consequences as well as stealing and destroying the good name of another person. They are the result of indulging in those habits which further destroy the integrity of human nature.
The Father commands you as well not only to refrain from acting against His commands, but also to guard against desires to act against His commands as when one desires to possess the partner of a person or desires to have his possessions.
I know that you have to live in a world where evil acts with increasing sophistication. Confusion and desires cloud your intellect. Remember therefore that the Truth is one! Follow in the steps of Jesus, my Son and you will be saved.