These are the words of the Blessed Mother on this day:
Children of God, the Father, the Almighty I say to you that the time is right for you to grow in your understanding of the love which the Father gifts to you all. I say this because of the terrible turmoil which you will live through as the leaders of nations become enslaved by greed and power on the one hand, and vengeance and hate on the other. The blood, the burned flesh of too many, will cry to God, the Father, the Almighty for pity!
Because of consuming greed, some leaders will inflict ruthless death on the powerless, the innocent, the poor, the sheep whose shepherds are wolves. And this will be not because they have pity for them, but because they covet the means to empower themselves to become supreme on Earth. They seek to be the most powerful, the richest, the uncontested rulers over all that God the Father, the Almighty has gifted to His children, equally. Others, equally motivated, will bide their time and will seek to destroy the conquerors. Thus the seeds of new and long lasting wars are sown.
Beware that you are not drawn into the rights or wrongs of the conflicts! Our enemy lurks and scatters such seeds that you may commit yourselves to the cause of false justice. Remember the past and the many occasions for human suffering caused by wars. And even though your leaders may call on you to follow and support, to give your wealth and your blood to their causes, seek refuge in the Lord, who alone is just.
In this conflict no one can be the winner! Do not support either the winner or the losers for all the schemes of the powerful are already like ashes! War is the child of the irrational human intellect which has refined its methods wherefore no member of a warring nation can escape the requirements imposed on him by a total commitment to war which enlists all the resources of the warring nation, including the sacrifice of the blood of the warriors. This blood, mingled to the blood of the opponent is the sacrifice of the enemy of God on the altar of Satan!
What hope is offered to the vanquished? How can there be justice without hope. Those who have accepted the teachings of Jesus, the Saviour, know that, even in defending life, there must be moderation against the enemy, for you must love your enemy. Yet the present conflict seeks to dispossess one nation to the benefit of another that it may reach the maximum power over all the nations. Such power belongs to God, the Father, the Almighty and to Him alone. Therefore, remember that to aim to destroy him whom you consider to be the enemy is immoral, because God the Father, the Almighty loves your enemy as well and invites him as well to partake in the salvation of mankind.
Learn therefore, children of God, that whomever wars against his brother to bring justice to himself, assumes unto himself the power which belongs to God the Father, the Almighty alone. And that person is unjust in the eyes of the Father. Therefore know as well, that whomever will war against that person in the future will have justice on his side.
Children of God, you cannot give allegiance to the leaders who wish to do harm to their enemies. As well you must refrain from supporting those who seek a cruel revenge with implacable determination, and who, refusing all other means, resort to ferocious rebellion.
Foremost, you cannot give allegiance to those who war for no other reason than to obtain dominion over all. Such dominion leads to universal slavery. Better that you seek the intervention of the Father.
She leaves