These are the words of the Blessed Mother on this day:
In prayer many amongst you ask for help to achieve loyalty to Christian morality. You may obtain what you ask when you learn to become truly devoted to the Holy Eucharist. In prayer, seek to understand that the sacrifice offered on the altar is the only source of Christian love and justice.
Look and see that nations and governments are infested by human selfishness and beset by cruel divisions. This is because their laws do not conform to the Law of God the Father, the Almighty!
The Blessed Eucharist can strengthen the soul of the faithful receiving it and at the same time strengthen the loving goodness of the whole Church.
The Eucharist is the “LIVING BREAD”, the Manna freely distributed to leaven eternal life in the world.
The Blessed Eucharist can mend discords; give health to the body, the mind and the spirit of each person, and to the whole of mankind.
As you receive the Holy Eucharist, implore the Lord, the Saviour, to renew the love of the Christ in each family, and beg that the Providence of the Christ, present in the Eucharist, may take care of the poor, the destitute, the homeless, the persecuted and those seeking asylum, those in need of food and work; pray that each family may become the fecund recipient of never ending grace. From the family, the love for Christian morality can spread like the waves on the ocean.
Observance of the Mass, love for the Holy Eucharist promotes trust in a future reign of the Christ all over the Earth.
The family united with the Lord through the Holy Eucharist, will produce those disciples which the Church needs now and in the future. Become such a family! All that is needed is for one member of the family to give unstinting adoration of the Holy Eucharist!
Do not become discouraged when you are told that the world has adopted money, wealth and power to be the measure of all things and that such a world has alienated the morality taught by the Christ. Do not be discouraged. Know instead that the Lord is with you in the Holy Eucharist. Armed with such a power you can become like that “seed of mustard”, spreading faith in the Providence of the Father and His loving justice over all the Earth.
She smiles and leaves.