On 16 July 2013 One Heart invited its children to attend a special Mass of thanksgiving for having been graced by the presence of the Blessed Mother of Jesus. The mass was held in St John of God Chapel in Subiaco.
Unfortunately, due to Adelia's failing health, she was unable to attend. However, she wrote a letter addressed to the children, which was read towards the end of the Mass. The contents of the letter are reproduced below.
Unfortunately, due to Adelia's failing health, she was unable to attend. However, she wrote a letter addressed to the children, which was read towards the end of the Mass. The contents of the letter are reproduced below.
Dear Children,
In the course of our life on earth, Our Father in heaven gifts us with special gifts to sustain us and help us to act with wisdom during our life. Some of the gifts are particular to the individual and some are gifted without discrimination to all. Principal amongst all gifts is the gift of free will. This is the gift that distinguishes us from the rest of Creation. It is the gift that resembles us most closely to God. It is the gift, which does not give anyone the right to interfere with our choice unless it is for good guidance and advice. As our Blessed Mother has often advised us, this gift will assist us to protect our intellect from contamination of bad sorts and bad teachings and bad examples.
You have been particularly privileged by witnessing the presence of the Blessed Mother. Hold very dear this knowledge and keep it in the secret of your heart. Remember the teaching of the Blessed Mother which is, primarily, to give all adoration to God alone and veneration to herself as the mother of His human presence. She teaches us that she is totally human like us; but, that she is the only human being who has never sinned and as such deserves to be our role model and our refuge when we seek advice and help from our human frailty. All her efforts throughout eternity are to guide us to the teachings of her Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, our only Saviour and Redeemer. He alone suffered; he alone died for our redemption.
I pray that you will be blessed throughout life with happiness, health and ever-increasing wisdom from ever-increasing faith.
God bless you,
Adelia Bernard